Gods wants us all to observe his seven feasts. I want to celebrate with the people I’m closest too, friends, family, and anyone else you all want to invite. Some feasts we can celebrate in our homes, but three of the seven are feasts that include a pilgrimmage. Lets start with the Feast of Tabernacles, also known as Sukkot. We celebrate it by taking a pilgrimmage and living in tents for a week. I find TorahCalendar.com to be the most accurate. So this year Tabernacles is Sept 18/19th to Sept 25/26th.
But to take a pilgrimmage, we need a place to go to. What better place than a farm, where we can eat the food that we grew. It can also be a harvest festival, but to have a boutiful harvest, by Tabernacles, we need to plant in the spring. And to plant in the spring we need to have some land to plant on.
Every plan needs startup funding. Every business needs an investor. I would ask for the money directly, but I have enough work to focus on to deal with the finances. And the people with the money are better suited to handle that part of it anyways.
So it will take about 100,000 dollars to buy some farm land up in northern Michigan. And who ever wants to take a chance on me, you will own the land. Just back me for a few years, let me pick the land and have control over it for three years.
I know, it sounds like a big ask. But land up here is dirt cheap. Even if I fail at everything I am planning, the land will hold its value. And you can sell it and get most or all of the money back in the end. And I will be putting a lot of work into improving the land. Probably building a well and a few structures on it. So most likely it will rise in value by the end of three years.
Not exactly the same, but maybe similar to Pascal’s wager. The comittment is low. The loss if I fail is low. But if we succeed, the payoff could be huge. And even if we only get one Tabernacles together on a farm celebrating the goodness of the Lord together. I think that alone would be worth the cost.
So someone, anyone, take a chance on me. You can reach me at (248)727-7791. I’m not great with phones, but if/when I dont answer your first call. Leave me a text and I will get back to you ASAP. Help me make dreams come true.